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2024 APRS

2024 APRS

2024 APRS

2024 APRS

2024 한국기상학회

2024 한국기상학회

2024 한국기상학회

2024 한국기상학회

2024 한국대기환경학회

2024 한국대기환경학회

2024 AOGS

2024 AOGS

2024 AOGS

2024 AOGS

2023 AOGS

2023 AOGS

2023 AOGS

2023 AOGS

2017 AOGS

2017 AOGS

2017 JpGU AGU Joint meeting

2017 JpGU AGU Joint meeting

2017 JpGU AGU Joint meeting

2017 JpGU AGU Joint meeting

2017 JpGU AGU Joint meeting

2017 JpGU AGU Joint meeting

2017 AMS

2017 AMS

2017 AMS

2017 AMS

2014 봄 한국기상학회

2014 봄 한국기상학회

2014 봄 한국기상학회

2014 봄 한국기상학회

2013 EGU in Sanfrancisco

2013 EGU in Sanfrancisco

2014 AOGS in Sappro

2014 AOGS in Sappro

2014 AOGS in Sappro

2014 AOGS in Sappro

2016 AOGS

2016 AOGS



Dabin Yeom, Ji-Soo Kim, Tae-Myung Kim, Hyung-Wook Chun, Myoung Hwan Ahn, 2024: Analysis on the Effects of Slant Path Simulation for the All-sky Data Assimilation Using a 1DVAR System, AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, 23-28 Jun, 2024 (Poster)

Jinyeong Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Jin Lee, Junha Lee, Suna Cho, 2024: Use of Retrieved Thermodynamic Variables from the Satellite Observation for the Understanding and Predicting Convective Precipitation, AOGS 2024, 25 June, 2024(Poster)

Minju Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Young-Suk Oh, Sang-Woo Kim, 2024: Analysis of Model Profile Sensitivity and Suitability Using a Mobile FTS During ASIA-AQ, KOSAE-67, Jeju, 23-25 Oct, 2024 (Poster)

Minyoung Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Uk-kyo Jung, Hyeon-gi Hong, 2024: Raw Data Processing and Wavelength Calibration of EMSA, KOSAE-67, Jeju, 23-25 Oct, 2024 (Poster)

염다빈, 김지수, 전형욱, 안명환, 2024: 경사거리 복사전달모델 모의가 자료동화에 미치는 영향 분석, 2024년 한국기상학회, 대구, 27-29 Oct, 2024 (Poster)

이준하, 이다영, 김진영, 안명환, 2024: 정지궤도 기상위성 자료를 이용한 성층권 침투 대류운 내 상승기류 탐지 가능성 조사, 2024년 한국기상학회, 대구, 27-29 Oct, 2024 (Poster)

이다영, 이준하, 김진영, 안명환, 2024: 연직 온도 프로파일을 이용한 대류권계면 고도할당 방법 평가 및 성층권침투대류운 운정고도 재할당, 2024년 한국기상학회, 대구, 27-29, Oct, 2024 (Poster)

Minju Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Young-Suk Oh, 2024: Greenhouse Gas Measurement Using a Mobile FTS During ASIA-AQ, APRS, Kaohsiung, 2-5 Dec, 2024 (Poster)

Dabin Yeom, Ji-Soo Kim, Tae-Myung Kim, Hyung-Wook Chun, Myoung Hwan Ahn, 2024: Analysis of slant path simulation effect for the all-sky using 1DVAR system, APRS 2024, Kaohsiung, 2-5 Dec, 2024 (Poster)


Jisoo Kim, Myoung- Hwan Ahn, 2023: A Pre-processing method for Assimilation of Microwave Sounder Observations over Winter Sea Ice for Numerical Weather Prediction, AOMSUC-13, Busan, 6-9 Nov, 2023 (Oral)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung- Hwan Ahn, 2023: A Pre-processing method for Better Assimilation of Microwave Sounding Observations over Sea Ice for Numerical Weather Prediction, AOGS 2023, Singapore, 30 July-4 Aug, 2023 (Oral)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung- Hwan Ahn, 2023: A Pre-processing of Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder for Sea Ice Observations for Data Assimilation and its impact on Korean Integrated Model, ITSC-24, Tromso, 16-22 March, 2023 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo, Kyung-jung Moon, Dai-Ho Ko, Dongwon Lee, 2023: Trend analysis based on ray-matching for level 1B products of AMI/GK-2A and GEMS/GK-2B, AOMSUC, 6-9 December, 2023 (Oral)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo, Kyung-jung Moon, 2023: Spectral replacement using machine learning for continuous mapping of GEMS, AOGS, 30 July - 4 August, 2023 (Oral)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo, Kyung-jung Moon, 2023: Inter-calibration approaches for GEMS/GK-2B with GEO and LEO sensors, GSICS, 27 February - 3 March, 2023 (Oral)


Dabin Yeom, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Jinyeong Kim, 2023: Characteristics of Mountain-wave Occurrence in the Taebaek Mountain Range Based on GK-2A, AOGS 2023, Singapore, 30 July-4 Aug, 2023 (Poster)


Yunyoung Song, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Su Jeong Lee, 2021 :Improvement of the Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the Lower Atmospheric Layer Retrieved from a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Based on the 1D-VAR Technique, AGU, Fall meeting 13-17 December, 2021 (Poster)

김지수, 안명환, 이병일, 2022: 해빙지역 마이크로파 수동 탐측기 관측자료의 한국형수치예보모델 동화를 위한 해빙 방출률 및 표면 온도 개선 연구, 한국기상학회, 부산, 19-21 Oct, 2022 (Oral)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung- Hwan Ahn, Byung-il Lee, 2022: The utilization of the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder sea-ice observations in the Korean Integrated Model, IRS 2022, Tessaloniki, 4-8 July, 2022 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo, 2022: Evaluation of level 1b radiance based on ray-matching of sensors onboard gk-2 series, IEEE IGARSS, 17-22 July, 2022 (Online).

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo, 2022: Evaluation of radiance biases of AMI, GEMS and GOCI-2 by applying ray-matching in the UVIS spectral region, ESA Living Platform Symposium, 23-27 May, 2022 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo: Improvement of bad pixel replacement for effective retrieval process of geostationary satellite sensor, GEMS, AOGS, 1-6 August, 2021 (Online)


Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Mijin Eo, Kyung-jung Moon, Dai-Ho Ko, Jhoon Kim, Dongwon Lee: Characterization of GEMS level 1B based on inter-comparison with meteorological imager AMI, EGU, 19-30 April, 2021 (Online)


Yunyoung Song, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Su Jeong Lee, 2021 :Improvement of the Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the Lower Atmospheric Layer Retrieved from a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Based on the 1D-VAR Technique, AGU, Fall meeting 13-17 December, 2021 (Poster)

Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang and GEMS Science Team Members, 2021:Current Status of GEMS Science Algoritm and Applications, KOSAE, Virtual Meeting, 20-22 October, 2021 (Oral)

김태명, 이수정 ,안명환, 2021: 다종 위성자료를 활용한 연직 온습 및 습도 정보 산출, 한국기상학회, Virtual meeting, 13-14 October, 2021 (Oral)

Su Jeong Lee and Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2021: Inter-comparisons of geostationary infrared observations using simulated radiance from two numerical weather prediction models, AOGS, Virtual Meeting, 01-06 August, 2021 (Oral)

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Jhoon Kim, Mijin Eo, Yeeun Lee, Kyung-Jung Moon, Dong-Won Lee, 2021: On-Orbit Characteristics of Spectral Response Function of Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), AOGS, Virtual Meeting, 01-06 August, 2021 (Oral)

Yeonjin Lee and Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2021: Incremental Learning with Neural Network Algorithm for Monitoring Pre-convective Environments Using Geostationary Imager, AOGS, Virtual Meeting, 01-06 August, 2021 (Oral)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mijin Eo, Mina Kang, Yeonjin Lee, 2021: Improvement of bad pixel replacement for effective retrieval process of the geostationary satellite sensor, GEMS. AOGS, Virtual meeting, 01 - 06 August, 2021 (Poster)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung- Hwan Ahn, Juntae Choi, Jae-Gwan Kim, 2021: Impact of assimilation of the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder data over sea-ice in the Korean Integrated Model, ITSC-23, Virtual meeting, 23 June - 30 June, 2021 (Poster)

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Dai Ho Ko, Jhoon Kim, Dennis Nicks, James Lasnick, Mijin Eo, Yeeun Lee, Kyoung-Jung Moon, 2021:Characterization of the in-flight spectral response function of Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) retrieved using observed solar irradiance, EGU, Virtual Meeting, 19 -30 April 2021 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mijin Eo, Mina Kang, Kyung-jung Moon, Dai-Ho Ko, Jhoon Kim, Dong-won Lee, 2021: Characterization of GEMS level 1B based on inter-comparison with AMI, EGU, Virtual meeting, 19 - 30, April, 2021 (Poster)  

Hyemin Shin,Myoung-Hwan Ahn,Jisoo Kim, Jae-Gwan Kim,Joon-Tae Choi, 2021: Inter-comparison of wind vectors derived from geostationary satellites with the Aeolus/ALADIN, EGU, Virtual meeting, 19–30 April 2021 (Poster)


Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, 2020: Analysis on spectral reflectivity of deep convective clouds towards vicarious calibration of UV/VIS hyperspectral instruments onboard geostationary satellites. In EGU General Assembly (Online)

Hyemin Shin, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Jisoo Kim, Chu-Yong Chung, 2020: Aeolus/ALADIN data analysis in Korea. In EGU General Assembly (Online)

​신혜민, 안명환, 김지수, 2020: 수치예보활용을 위한 GK-2A/AMV와 Aeolus 바람 자료의 상호 비교, 28-29 Oct, 2020  (Poster)


Yeonjin Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Tae-Myoung Kim, 2019: Characterization of GK2A AMI IR Channels through inter-comparison with geostationary satellite, AOMSUC, Australia, 02-07 Dec, 2019 (Oral)

Mijin Eo, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Yeeun Lee, 2019: In-flight performance monitoring of TROPOMI Signal to Noise Ratio, TROPOMI S5PVT Workshop, Frascati, 11-14 Nov, 2019 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, 2019: Characteristics of TROPOMI radiometric calibration analyzed with deep convective clouds over TWP region, TROPOMI S5PVT Workshop, Frascati, 11-14 Nov, 2019 (Poster)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung- Hwan Ahn, Han-Byeol Jeong, Chu-Yong Chung, 2019: Impacts of cloud screening algorithm of the ATMS on numerical weather prediction model: Scattering index, ITSC, Quebec, 31 Oct - 06 Nov, 2019 (Poster)

김태명, 이수정, 안명환, 2019: UM 예보장을 이용한 GK-2A AMI 적외채널의 편향 특성분석, 한국기상학회, 경주, 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 2019 (Oral)

송윤영, 안명환, 원혜영, 2019: 관측연산자 RTTOV-gb의 휘도온도 모의 특성 및 성능평가, 한국기상학회, 경주, 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 2019 (Oral)

이수정, 안명환, 김태명, 2019: 천리안2호 위성의 채널별 특성분석 및 채널상관 고려한 관측오차공분산 산출, 한국기상학회, 경주, 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 2019 (Oral)

이연진, 안명환, 김태명, 2019: 정지위성 간 상호비교를 통한 GK-2A AMI 적외채널 휘도온도 특성분석, 한국기상학회, 경주, 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 2019 (Oral)

Mijin Eo, GEMS Science team, 2019: GEMS L1B: Challenge and expected performance, Geo Science teams meeting, Boston, 26-27 Sep, 2019 (Oral)

Yunyoung Song, Myoung Hwan Ahn, Domenico Cimini, 2019: Effects of cloud detection to the innovation of brightness temperature measured by ground-based microwave radiometer, EMS Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, 09-13 Sep, 2019 (Poster)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2019: Potential application of real-time land surface emissivity of ATMS to numerical weather prediction model, AOGS, Singapore, 28 Jul - 02 Aug, 2019 (Oral)

Tae-Myung Kim, Su Jeong Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn: 2019: Bias characterization of Advanced Meteorological Imager infrared observation using NWP model data, AOGS, Singapore, 28 Jul - 2 Aug, 2019 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, 2019: Deep convective clouds as a potential target of vicarious calibration for Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), AOGS, Singapore, 28 Jul - 02 Aug, 2019 (Oral)

강민아, 안명환, 이예은, 고대호, 김준, 2019: 고해상도 기준 태양스펙트럼을 활용한 TROPOMI의 태양복사조도 특성 분석, 한국기상학회, 서울, 02-03 May, 2019 (Poster)

이연진, 한대현, 안명환, 임정호, 2019: Himawari-8 AHI 자료를 이용한 기계학습 기법 기반의 가강수량 추​정, 한국기상학회, 서울, 02-03 May, 2019 (Oral) ​

이예은, 안명환, 강민아, 2019: 심층대류운 (Deep convective clouds)의 Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) 검보정 적용 가능성 분석, 한국기상학회, 서울, 02-03 May, 2019 (Poster) ​


Yunyoung Song, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Domenico Cimini, 2018: Simulation performance comparison of Rttov-gb with Monortm using numerical weather prediction model data, AGU, Washington DC, 09-16 Dec, 2018 (Poster)

김지수, 안명환, Catherine Prigent, 김재관, 2018: ​ATMS 실시간 지면 방출률의 수치예보모델 적용 실험, 한국기상학회, 제주도, 29-31 Oct, 2018 (Poster)

김태명, 이수정, 안명환, 2018: 낙하존데 관측자료와 UM 모델 예측자료를 이용한 정지궤도기상위성 연직 온습도 프로파일 정확도 평가, 한국기상학회, 제주도, 29-31 Oct, 2018 (Poster)

송윤영, 안명환, 2018: 지상기반 마이크로웨이브 라디오미터의 직접 동화를 위한 관측연산자 RTTOV-gb 소개, 한국기상학회, 제주도, 29-31 Oct, 2018 (Poster)

이예은, 안명환, 강민아, 2018: 심층대류운을 이용한 가시-자외 영역 분광복사휘도의 복사검보정 활용 가능성 분석, 한국기상학회, 제주도, 29-31 Oct, 2018 (Poster)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Catherine Prigent, 2018: Analysis of real-time land surface emissivity of ATMS, SPIE Remote Sensing, Berlin, 10-13 Sep, 2018 (Poster)

Mijin Eo, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Dai ho Ko, David Flittner, 2018: Characterization and correction of stray light for Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), SPIE Remote Sensing, Berlin, 10-13 Sep, 2018 (Poster)

Yeeun Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, 2018: The characteristics of UV hyperspectral spectra of OMI over Deep Convective Clouds(DCC), SPIE Remote Sensing, Berlin, 10-13 Sep, 2018 (Poster)

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Matthew G. Kowalewski, 2018: Introduction to Charaterization of Stray Light for GeoTASO Measurement, AOGS, Hawaii, 3-8 Jun, 2018 (Poster)

Tae-Myung Kim, Su Jeong Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2018: Validation of the AMI atospheric profile retrieval algorithm using the Himawari-8 data, AOGS, Hawaii, 3-8 Jun, 2018 (Poster)

Yeonjin Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Su Jeong Lee, 2018: Development of a Total Precipitable Water (TPW) Retrieval Algorithm Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for a Short-Term Severe Weather Forecasting, AOGS, Hawaii, 3-8 Jun, 2018 (Oral)

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mijin Eo, Dai Ho Ko, Dennis Nicks, 2018: Prelaunch Characterization of Spectral Response Functhion for Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS), EGU, Vienna, 08-13 Apr, 2018 (Poster)

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Herbert Nett, Pepijn Veefkind, 2018: Comparison among Reference Solar Spectra using TROPOMI solar meausrement, GSICS Meeting, Shanghai, 19~23 Mar, 2018 (Oral)

Miina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Jhoon Kiim, Chang-Keun Song, Jae Hwan Kim, Sujung Go, 2018: Introduction to the activities for the calibraiton and validation of TROPOMI in Korea,  TROPOMI workshop, Noordwijk, 5~6 Feb, 2018 (Oral)


Jisoo Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2017: The characteristics of the real-time land surface emissivity of ATMS, ITSC, Darmstadt,  29 Nov ~ 5 Dec, 2017 (Poster)

강민아, 안명환, Xiong Liu, Kelly Chane, Sun Kang, 2017: 파장 검보정 과정에서 고해상도 기준 태양 스펙트럼의 영향과 그 개선에 관하여, 지리정보학회, 대구, 2~3 Nov, 2017 (Oral)

강민아, 안명환, Xiong Liu, Kelly Chane, Sun Kang, 2017: SAO2010, JPLS 고해상도 기준태양스펙트럼의 개선 및 개선 효과 분석, 2017년 한국기상학회, 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Oral)

김태명, 이수정, 안명환, 2017: 정지궤도 기상위성자료를 활용한 대기안정도 산출 및 대류운 사례 분석, 2017년 한국기상학회, 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Poster)

이세은, 원혜영, 안명환, 2017: 복사전달 모델을 이용한 지상기반 라디오미터 자료의 비교 분석, 2017년 한국기상학회 , 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Poster)

어미진, 안명환, 강민아, Xiong Liu, 2017: GEMS(Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer) 미광보정 알고리즘 특성 분석, 2017년 한국기상학회, 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Oral)

김지수, 안명환, 2017: 위성 관측자료의 자료동화 활용 증대를 위한 ATMS  관측자료를 이용한 실시간 지표면 방출률 산출 및 특성 분석, 2017년 한국기상학회, 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Poster)

하승민, 안명환, 이수정, 2017: 고성능 정지궤도위성 영상기 자료를 이용한 총오존량 산출 가능성, 2017년 한국기상학회, 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Oral)

​이예은, 강민아, 안명환, 2017: OMI(Ozone Monitoring Instrument) 자료를 활용한 태양복사조도 일변화 및 연변화 분석. 2017년 한국기상학회, 부산, 25~27 Oct, 2017 (Poster)​

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Xiong Liu, Jhoon Kim, 2017: Scene inhomogeneity impact on the wavelength calibration for GeoTASO measurement, AOGS, Singapore,  6~11 Aug, 2017 (Poster)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2017: The characteristics of the real-time land surface emissivity of the ATMS data for numerical weather prediction model, AOGS, Singapore,  6~11 Aug, 2017 (Oral)

Su Jeong Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Sung-Rae Chung, 2017: High-performance clear-sky temperature and humidity information from geostationary imagers and their applications to short-term weather forecasting, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, 20~25 May, 2017 (Oral)

Yeonjin Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Su Jeong Lee, 2017: An experimetal study of an Artificial Neural network(ANN) algorithm to retrieve Precipitable Water (PW) using AHI data, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, Chiba, 20~25 May, 2017 (Poster)

Hye Young Won, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2017: Introduction to a real-time cloud detection based on the ground-based infrared thermometer and the microwave radiometer at ARM SGP site, EGU, Vienna, 23~28 Apr, 2017 (Poster) 

Jisoo Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, 2017: The characteristics of the real-time land surface emissivity of the ATMS data for numerical weather prediction model, EGU, Vienna, 23~28 Apr, 2017 (Poster) 

Mina Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Xiong Liu, Kelly Chane, Kang Sun, and Jhoon Kim, 2017: High resolution reference solar spectrum for TEMPO and GEMS, GSICS Meeting, Wisconsin, 20~24 Mar, 2017 (Oral)


원혜영, 안명환, 2016: 적외복사온도를 이용한 구름탐지 알고리즘의 확대 적용가능성에 대한 고찰, 2016년 한국기상학회 , 부산 벡스코(BEXCO), 31 Oct ~ 2 Nov, 2016 (Oral)

김지수, 안명환, 김은진, 2016: ATMS 관측자료를 이용한 실시간 지표면 방출률 산출과 자료동화에 활용 가능성, 2016년 한국기상학회, 부산 벡스코(BEXCO), 31 Oct ~ 02 Nov, 2016 (Oral)

김은진, 안명환, 김지수, 민세윤, 2016: ATMS 위성자료의 자료동화 적용 최적화를 위한 편차 특성 분석, 한국기상학회, 부산 벡스코(BEXCO), 31 Oct~ 2 Nov, 2016 (Oral)

Su Jeong Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Sung-Rae Chung, 2016: Evaluation of the possibility of using atmospheric information derived from a high performance imaging system for short-range weather forecasting, AOMSUC, 24~27 Oct, 2016 (Oral)

Danbi Han, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Dohyeong Kim, Minju Gu, Sujeong Lee, 2016: The evaluation of uncertainty in the SRF center position of the COMS/MI WV channel, AOMSUC, 24~27 Oct, 2016 (Poster)

Seungmin Ha, Myoung Hwan Ahn, Su jeong Lee, 2016: Possibility of an improved total ozone information from the high performance geostationary imager data, AOMSUC, 24~27 Oct, 2016 (Poster)

Su Jeong Lee, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Sung-Rae Chung, 2016: Introduction to the atmospheric profile retrieval algorithm for the advanced meteorological imager and its application to the AHI data, AOGS, 31 Jul ~ 05 Aug, 2016 (Oral)

Yeonjin LEE, Myoung Hwan AHN, Su Jeong LEE, 2016, Application of AHI Data to the Total Precipitable Water (TPW) Retrieval Algorithm for AMI Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) , AOGS, 31 Jul ~ 05 Aug, 2016 (Poster)

Eunjin Kim, Myoung Hwan Ahn, Jisoo Kim, 2016: The analysis of the bias characteristics for a better utilization of the ATMS data in data assimilation of NWP model,AOGS,31 Jul ~ 05 Aug, 2016 (Poster)

Jisoo Kim, Myoung Hwan Ahn, Eunjin Kim, 2016: Characteristics of the real-time land surface emissivity of the ATMS data for numerical weather prediction model. AOGS, Beijing , 31 Jul ~ 05 Aug, 2016 (Poster)

김은진, 안명환, 김지수, 2016: ATMS 위성자료의 자료동화 적용 최적화를 위한 편향 보정 결과 분석, 한국기상학회, 부경대학교 대연캠퍼스, 28~29 Feb, 2016 (Oral)


김은진, 안명환, 김지수 and 송환진, 2015: ATMS 위성자료에 적용 가능한 구름탐지 알고리즘의 한반도 적용결과 분석, 한국기상학회, 제주 국제컨벤션 센터, 12~14 Oct, 2015 (Poster)

원혜영, 안명환, 한단비, 어미진, 2015: 적외복사온도를 이용한 구름탐지 알고리즘 적용: 미국 ARM 자료, 한국기상학회, 제주 국제컨벤션 센터, 12~14 Oct, 2015 (Oral)

한단비, 안명환, 김도형, 이병일, 정성래, 2015: GSICS 개념을 적용한 MI 수증기 채널에서의 분광반응함수 중심파장 불확실성 평가, 한국기상학회, 제주 국제컨벤션 센터, 12~14 Oct, 2015 (Oral)

강민아, 안명환, Kelly Chance, Xiong Liu, Robert L. Kurucz, 2015: 파장검정 과정에서 고해상도 기준태양스펙트럼의 영향과 그 개선에 관하여, 한국기상학회, 제주 국제컨벤션 센터, 12~14 Oct, 2015 (Oral)

Hye Young Won, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Danbi Han, and Yean-Hee Kim, A simple cloud detection approach for the downwelling infrared thermometer using data from the ARM site, AOGS conference, Singapore (Oral)

Boram Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Jinyeon Kim, Sangbu Jeong, and Namyeong Kang, An approach to derive an objective best track for tropical cyclone, AOGS conference, Singapore (Oral)

Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Su Jeong Lee, Dohyeong Kim, 2015: Estimation of uncertainties in the Spectral Response Function of the water vapor channel of a meteorological imager. Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment 2015, 16-19 Mar., 2015, Cyprus (Poster)

Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Mina Kang, Xiong Liu, Jhoon Kim, 2015: A sensitivity study for the calibration of hyperspectral spectrometer on-board the geostationary multipurpose satellite of KOREA. Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment 2015, 16-19 Mar., 2015, Cyprus (Poster)


안명환, 이수정, 강민아, 한단비, 최민진 and 김도형, 2014: 천리안위성 기상탑재체 수증기채널 편차 및 원인 분석에 대하여, 한국기상학회,  제구 국제컨벤션 센터, 13~15 Oct., 2014 (Oral)

김보람, 김진연, 안명환, 박일환, 정상부 and 강남영, 2014: Best track 생산을 위한 다양한 태풍정보의 객관적 활용을 위한 알고리즘 개발에 대하여, 한국기상학회,  제구 국제컨벤션 센터, 13~15 Oct., 2014 (Oral)

원혜영, 안명환, 한단비, 김기훈 and 김연희, 2014: 지상기반 라디오미터 관측자료의 특성분석: 군산, 파주, 강릉지점의 휘도온도 특성분석을 중심으로, 한국기상학회,  제구 국제컨벤션 센터, 13~15 Oct., 2014 (Poster)

M.-H. Ahn, M. Kang, Xiong LIU, 2014: Sensitivity Study on cthe Spectral Parameters in the Wavelength Calibration of GEMS Onboard the GEO-KOMPSAT, AOGS conference, Sapporo, Japan (Oral)

M.-H. Ahn, D. Han, H.-Y. Won, J.Ha, and V. Morris, 2014: Development of Cloud Detect Algorithm using IR temperature for the Ground-based Microwave Radiometer, AOGS conference, Sapporo, Japan (Oral)

Yeonjin LEE, Mh AHN, Su Jeong LEE, 2014: Application of an artificial neural network approach for the fast estimation of the atmospheric stability index from the next generation imaging Instrument onboard the geostationary satellite, AOGS conference, Sapporo, Japan (Poster)

강민아, 안명환, 2014: 초분광 분해능 스펙트럼 특성 변동이 복사휘도에 미치는 영향분석, 한국기상학회, 경북대학교 (Oral)

S. J. Lee, M. H. Ahn , and Y. Lee, 2014: Application of Artificial Neural Network for the direct estimation of the atmsospheric instability from a geostationary satellite imager, ITSC-19, Jeju, Korea (Poster)


M. Kang and M. H. Ahn , 2013: Sensitivity study on the spectral calibration of a hyper-spectral imaging spectrometer for the GEO-KOMPSAT2, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransico (Poster)

안명환 , 한단비, 원혜영, 하종철, 2013: 기상청 마이크로 라디오미터 자료의 검정특성 분석 및 산출정확도 평가에 관하여, 한국기상학회, 광주컨벤션센터 (Oral)

이연진, 안명환 , 이수정, 2013: 우리나라에서 관측된 CAPE의 최근 변화 경향에 대하여,  한국기상학회, 광주컨벤션센터 (Poster)

이수정, 안명환 , 이연진, 2013: 정지궤도위성에서 대기불안정도 직접 산출을 위한 신경망모형 적용, 한국기상학회, 광주컨벤션센터 (Poster)

M.H. Ahn and S. J. Lee, 2013: Possibility of direct inference of atmospheric instability from geostatioanry imagery data, AOGS-13, Brisbane, Austrailia  (Oral)







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